Vers un règlement interne de l'ONU sur l'intelligence artificielle

Cette conférence examinera le nouveau règlement européen sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans le contexte des travaux des Nations Unies. Le Dr Fournier-Tombs présentera l’utilisation variée de l’IA aux Nations Unies et discutera des développements actuels des normes et conventions éthiques internationales, en plaidant pour une réglementation au sien de l’organisation internationale qui renforcerait la confiance et réduirait les risques.
L'événement se déroulera en anglais.
In this talk, Eleonore Fournier-Tombs and Robert Trigwell will discuss some of the most important current issues regarding the use of AI solutions in the humanitarian sector, including biometrics, logistics optimisation and forecasting. Dr. Fournier-Tombs will describe the EU AI regulation proposal, which categorises uses of AI into low risk, high risk and forbidden categories, and explore whether such an approach could be adopted by international organisations. She will also decrypt the report by the Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet entitled “The right to privacy in the digital age”, which pleads for increased regulation of AI by UN members states. Mr. Trigwell will present the work of the Humanitarian Data Science and Ethics Group, which has developed ethical guidelines for the deployment of advanced machine learning systems in the humanitarian sector, and propose longer-term solutions, such as the adoption of United Nations interagency standards for AI.
This event will be held in English.
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