René Lacroix

René Lacroix
René Lacroix, a full professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, joined the Department of Chemical Engineering as a substitute professor in 1991 and obtained tenure in 2003. During that period, he was named a Faculty of Science and Engineering Star Professor on a number of occasions and also earned the faculty's SUMMA Teaching Award.
Prior to his appointment as deputy vice rector, information systems, and chief information officer (CIO) in 2007, he served in several capacities, including director of the Department of Chemical Engineering, vice dean of studies in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, assistant to the vice rector of academic affairs, and assistant to the executive vice rector. He was the lead for the development, planning, and governance of information resources (IR). During that period, he received the Québec MÉRITIC Award – Executive IT Management, from Réseau ACTION TI.
From 2017 to 2020, he served as deputy vice rector, administration, and chief information officer (CIO). In 2020, when the Office of the Vice Rector, COVID-19 Coordination was created, René Lacroix was appointed vice rector responsible for overseeing Université Laval's teaching and research activities during a pandemic. On July 1, 2022, René Lacroix was appointed vice rector, infrastructure and transformation. He is responsible for the management and development of the University's real estate and information infrastructure and assets.