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Decision by Université Laval

The Registrar’s Office will inform you of the Université Laval's official decision for each of your program choices by email. You will be informed of one of the following decisions:

Admission offer validity period

The offer of admission is only valid for the semester applied for. If you do not register for that semester or you cancel your enrolment, you must submit a new application for a later semester.

Under certain conditions, international applicants may benefit from a no-cost deferral of the admission application.

Review and appeal procedure

If you believe you have been wrongly denied admission and you can present new facts that could change the University’s decision, you can request a review by the program director or, in the case of a limited enrolment program, the head of the admission committee. Your review request must be submitted in writing within ten business days of receiving the official decision. The program director or admission committee chair will give the Registrar’s Office a decision within 20 days of receiving the review request. The Registrar’s Office will communicate the committee’s decision to you.

If you believe you have been unfairly treated in the review decision, you can appeal to the faculty academic director. Your appeal request must be submitted in writing within ten business days of receiving the official decision. The faculty academic director will give the Registrar’s Office a decision within 20 days of receiving the appeal request. The Registrar’s Office will communicate the faculty academic director’s decision to you.

Questions about admission?

Registrar's Office
Pavillon Jean-Charles-Bonenfant
2345, allée des Bibliothèques
Bureau 2440 Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Québec Area
418 656-3080

Toll Free
1 877 785-2825