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Health guidelines on campus

Université Laval is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of all students, employees, and visitors. Our priority is to act responsibly so that your time on campus is safe and as enjoyable as possible.

Wearing a surgical mask

The choice to wear the mask on campus is at the discretion of each individual. However, it is mandatory in the following situations:

  • During social interactions and movement in common areas, for individuals who have had COVID-19 and are returning to campus following a 5-day isolation, and for individuals living with someone who has COVID-19. For more details;
  • During activities whose nature usually requires the wearing of a mask.

For staff members, wearing a mask is recommended when gathering in a restricted space or when interacting with people at risk.

Particularity concerning the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Nursing

Given the interactions of members of the faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing with health care environments, and given the large volume of teaching activities concentrated in the first period of the fall session of these faculties, the wearing of masks remains mandatory for everyone during teaching activities offered by the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Nursing until December 23, 2022. This instruction is applicable in classrooms, laboratories and teaching clinics. Details may be circulated by these faculties to their members depending on the context.


If your situation requires isolation, we invite you to inform us quickly by filling out the form that corresponds to your status, either student or staff member. This will allow us to follow up on your situation. It is your responsibility to inform all persons with whom you have had contact during your contagious period.

If you are unsure of your health status, we recommend that you use the COVID-19 symptom self-assessment questionnaire before coming to campus.

Let's continue to limit the spread of COVID-19

Please continue to follow basic health guidelines to limit the spread of COVID-19 on campus.