Political Science (PhD)
Admission Requirements
A Master’s degree (or equivalent as recognized by Université Laval) in political science or a degree judged equivalent to a master in political science.
High Academic Achievement: The minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is 3.33 (equal or greater) out of a possible 4.33.
Proficiency in French/English: Proficiency in French is required. Proficiency in English is a strong asset.
- All courses are offered exclusively in French, but course exams are available in English and at least one PhD course can be taken as a guided reading class. The PhD thesis could be written in English.
Other requirements: Please note that students cannot enter the PhD program until the MSc degree has been awarded, or all requirements completed. A strong background in methods and methodology is an asset.
Program Requirements
Compulsory Courses (15 credits)
Doctoral Seminar
Choose two courses among the following:
- Political Theory
- Comparative Politics and political sociology
- International relations
- Public policies and public administration
- Choose two courses among the following courses
- Qualitative methods
- Quantitative methods
- Research proposal
- Epistemology and political science
Complementary Courses (3 credits)
To be chosen from a list of 39 optional courses. Among them:
- International Security
- Ethics and international relations
- Analysis of civil wars
- Socio-politics of the State
- Politics and public finances
- Politics and Society in Africa
- Political Communication
- Ethics and public adiministration
Doctoral Exam (2 + 2 credits)
- Retrospective exam (2 credits): written exam on both the subject of PhD thesis of the student and one of the subfields of the discipline (political theory; comparative politics; public administration or international relations), followed by an oral presentation.
- Prospective exam (2 credits): Written PhD proposal and oral presentation, etc.
Thesis (68 credits)
Research Areas
- Canadian and Quebec politics
- Comparative politics
- Public policy and public administration
- International relations
- Political theory
- Political economy
- Political sociology
- Political communication
Financial Support - Doctoral Funding
Steps | Amount* |
Step 1 (semester 1) – Progression into the program (full-time students) | $2375 |
Step 2 (semester 3) – All courses completed (except doctoral exams) | $2375 |
Step 3 (semester 5) – Retrospective exam completed | $1850 |
Step 4 (semester 7) – Prospective exam completed | $1850 |
Step 5 (semester 9) – Start of data’s collection | $1850 |
Step 6 (semester 11) – Start of writing PhD thesis | $1850 |
Step 7 (semester 15) – Submission of the PhD thesis for evaluation | $1850 |
* All amounts are in Canadian dollars.
Regional integration, free trade, Canadian foreign policy, inter-American cooperation.
Email: louis.belanger@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=210
Electoral politics in Canada and in a comparative perspective
Email: marcandre.bodet@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=1396
International security; migration; resilience
Email: philippe.bourbeau@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: www.philippebourbeau.net
African politics; mobilizations; citizenship; religion
Email: marie.brossier@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: www.pol.ulaval.ca/
Extremism; political violence; terrorism; jihadism; right-wing; civil wars
Email: aurelie.campana@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.recherche-terrorismes.ulaval.ca
Email: caterina.carta@pol.ulaval.ca
SWebsite: www.pol.ulaval.ca
Middle East politics ; democratisation; authoritarianism; Islamist parties and movements
Email: francesco.cavatorta@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=1555
Secularism; religious minorities; political sociology
Email: pauline.cote@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=213
Public management; social policies; evaluation of public policies
Email: pierre-marc.daigneault@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/
International political economy; commerce and international negotiations; international economical organizations
Email: erick.duchesne@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=216
Public opinion; electoral politics
Email: yannick.dufresne@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/
Latin America; democratisation; democracy; parliamentarism
Email: francois.gelineau@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.democratie.chaire.ulaval.ca/index.php
Political communication; digital citizenship; political campaign on the Internet; political participation in Quebec and Canada; political marketing
Email: thierry.giasson@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/
Budgetary policy; power relationships in public policies; discourses’ experts on budgetary policies.
Email: louis.imbeau@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=221
Evaluation of public policies and programs; public administration; ethics; public performance
Email: steve.jacob@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.perfeval.pol.ulaval.ca/ ; https://www.capp.ulaval.ca/
International relations; international cooperation; security and defense; international security organizations
Email: anessa.kimball@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=223
International eco-politics; international relations; US foreign policy
Email: philippe.le-prestre@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=227
International political theory; territorial rights; theories of justice; global duties; and right to resist
Email: sylvie.loriaux@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=1556
Democracy; parliaments; electoral systems; political life in Germany
Email: louis.massicotte@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=229
Political parties; parliaments; Canadian and Quebec political institutions
Email: eric.montigny@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.democratie.chaire.ulaval.ca/index.php
International political economy; global environmental governance; trade negotiations
Email: jean-frederic.morin@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.chaire-epi.ulaval.ca/fr/jean-frederic-morin
Knowledge transfers; health systems; public administration and governance
Email: mathieu.ouimet@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.pol.ulaval.ca/?pid=231
Canadian foreign policy; US foreign policy; secessionist conflicts
Email: jonathan.paquin@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://www.revue-etudesinternationales.ulaval.ca
Politiques autochtones, éducation et démocratie participative, cogestion des ressources Aboriginal policies; aboriginal education and participative democracy; co-management of natural resources
Email: thierry.rodon@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: http://chairedeveloppementnord.ulaval.ca/?pid=1136 ; http://www.ciera.ulaval.ca
Administration of justice, tribunals, human rights adjudication, and front-line judgment
Email: sule.tomkinson@pol.ulaval.ca
Website: www.sule-tomkinson.com