Settling permanently in Canada (in a province other than Québec)
Student Life Office
418 656-2765
Workshops and Conferences
Student Advising
If you would like to stay in another Canadian province or territory permanently after your studies, various immigration programs may be available to you. Most of these programs are administered through Express Entry. The processing time for Express Entry applications is six months once you have been invited to apply and have submitted your application.
Here are the main programs that may be of interest to you:
Among other things, you must have obtained 12 months of qualified work experience in Canada (jobs in TEER categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the National Occupational Classification, or NOC – see our page on this subject for more information) after completing your studies and have proven your language skills in French and/or English to qualify for this program.
To qualify for this program, you must, among other things, accumulate one year of continuous work experience in Canada or in another country within the last 10 years (jobs in TEER categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the National Occupational Classification, or NOC – see our page on this subject for more information) and demonstrate your language ability in English or French.
Requirements vary from program to program. You need to visit the website of the province or territory that you are interested in. Some of these programs are administered through Express Entry.
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
IRCC offers an information capsule and Q&A sessions on this topic. See the Student Life Office website for more information.
Additional information
Last updated on: 2024-12-04