Strategic partnerships
As part of its internationalization strategy, Université Laval has opted to build close relations with a limited number of universities in order to foster stronger synergies.

The projects generated by these partnerships stem for a shared vision of development in shared sectors of excellence. They testify to the strong potential for cooperation and often take the shape of cross-cutting training-research initiatives:
- Sharing best practices in university governance
- Joint or alternating summer schools
- Joint intensive courses
- Dual-degree programs
- Co-supervised PhDs
- Student, faculty, and professional mobility
- Scientific networks and collaborations
- Joint research projects with cross-funding
- Joint chairs
- International associated laboratories (LIAs) and international joint units (UMIs)
- Co-organization of scientific events
- Research and training internships
(Please note that some links in this section are in French only)

University of Bordeaux (UBx)
With its 575 years of history and 54,000 students, the University of Bordeaux is a multidisciplinary higher education establishment anchored in its territories and renowned at European and international level. Recognized for its capacity for innovation and labeled "Initiative of Excellence", the University of Bordeaux contributes to major scientific advances with its academic and socio-economic partners in France and around the world.
Our strategic partnership
Université Laval and the University of Bordeaux have a very long history of friendship. Together, they have developed numerous educational and research collaborations since concluding their first strategic alliance in 2007, with more than 20 agreements to date, as well as cooperation and formative initiatives throughout the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
UL’s strategic partnership with UBx involves multiple faculties and researchers and focuses on four main areas:
- Health and wellness
- Natural resources
- Innovative technology
- Societies and cultures
The partnership has resulted in or facilitated the following initiatives:
- Creation of the Optinutribrain International Associated Laboratory (LIA) and Food4BrainHealth International Research Network (RRI)
- Creation of the international associated laboratory (LIA) Lumière matière Aquitaine Québec LuMAQ
- Establishment of Réseau Dg2, a network of excellence for academic leaders in governance and management
- Establishment of the AQeau and AQeau2 scientific networks
- Establishment of the AQ Forêt-Bois scientific network
- Development of the Aquitaine-Québec Jeunes et Religions partnership
- Creation of the LaBoétie platform (in international law)
- Close to 35 co-supervised PhD dissertations
- An impressive number of bilateral, dual-degree, and summer school programs
More than 250 student mobility exchanges over the past five years
Université Laval
Marie-Andrée Doran
Deputy Vice Rector
Office of the Vice Rector of External and International Affairs and Health
ULaval Director of the ULaval/UBx Strategic Partnership
University of Bordeaux
Laurent Servant
Vice President, International Networks
UBx Director of the ULaval/UBx Strategic Partnership
University of Côte d’Azur (UCA)
Created in 2015 through the merger of several Côte d’Azur universities and postsecondary institutions, University of Côte d’Azur (UCA) is a research university ranked among the best in France. Selected for the French government’s Excellence Initiative (IDEX) in 2016, UCA has established five academies of excellence and encourages transdisciplinarity through its core programs.
Our strategic partnership
In February 2017, UL and Université Côte d’Azur signed a strategic partnership framework agreement to concretize our shared desire to collaborate effectively in all areas of academic life.
The partnership has already given rise to several joint transdisciplinary research projects cofunded under flagship collaborative endeavours such as the one between UCA-JEDI and Sentinel North.
Ensemble pour la science

Multiple joint initiatives have emerged, particularly in the following areas:
- Instructional design and support for academic success
- Art, culture, and society
- Bioactive molecules and aromas and fragrances
- Plant health
- Big data and artificial intelligence
- Observatories monitoring the impact of AI and digital technology
- Health, wellness, and aging
- Neuroscience
- Optics and photonics
- University governance, smart campuses
- Smart cities, the environment, public health, and sustainable health
Our collaborative efforts have resulted in:
- A partnership agreement on artificial intelligence (AI) and establishment of the Maison de l’IA
- The creation of two parallel observatories dedicated to monitoring the impact of AI (OBVIA and OTESIA)
- Funding for three Educational Leadership Chairs (ELCs)
- The development of numerous research, training, and research internship collaborations
- Over 15 educational, research, and governance missions between the partner institutions
Université Laval
Marie-Andrée Doran
Deputy Vice Rector
Office of the Vice Rector of External and International Affairs and Health
ULaval Director of the ULaval/UCA Strategic Partnership
Erwan Paitel
UCA Director of the ULaval/UCA Strategic Partnership

Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain)
Founded in 1425, UCLouvain is one of the oldest universities in Europe. This forward-looking institution is the leading French-language university in Belgium, with nearly 31,000 students on 7 campuses. UCLouvain is a globally oriented university—25% of its teaching staff and 40% of its scientific staff is international.
Our strategic partnership
The growing number of scientific and educational collaborations and of European students coming to Université Laval led UL and the Catholic University of Louvain to sign a strategic partnership agreement in 2018.
Research and educational collaborations have been developed by several faculties:
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Faculty of Music
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
- Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences
- Faculty of Planning, Architecture, Art and Design
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics
- Graduate School of International Studies
Ever year, more than 75 international exchange students take advantage of bilateral mobility programs offered by the two universities.
Under the auspices of the Louvain4 program, researchers at Université Laval and UCLouvain are joining forces to deploy their efforts in four areas of key strategic importance in the years ahead:
- Aging
- Nutrition
- Education
- Migration
Université Laval
Marie-Andrée Doran
Deputy Vice Rector
Office of the Vice Rector of External and International Affairs and Health
ULaval Director of the ULaval/UCLouvain Strategic Partnership
Dana Samson
Pro-Rector for International Affairs
UCLouvain Director of the ULaval/UCLouvain Strategic Partnership
University of Lausanne
Founded in 1537, the University of Lausanne (UNIL) has 7 faculties and 15,000 students, 20% of whom are international students. UNIL offers a stimulating academic environment where innovation is valued and knowledge is put to work to serve the broader community.
Our strategic partnership
In addition to the strategic partnership signed in 2017, UNIL and Université Laval have consolidated ties through the creation of the international Joint Unit in Neurodevelopment and Child Psychiatry (UMI-NP) and the development of a roadmap identifying potential areas for future collaboration:
- Teaching in higher education
- Geoscience and medicine
- Nursing
- Psychology and sport
- University governance (sustainability and international relations)

UMI-NP was established in June 2016 and is linked to the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Neurophotonics held by Pierre Marquet. The goal of the unit’s research program is the early detection of cellular-level vulnerability biomarkers in young children using a combination of neurophotonic tools and cell reprogramming and differentiation techniques.
UMI-NP is based in Québec City at the Institut universitaire en santé mentale research centre. It currently has three professors and a support team made up of six research professionals, including two coordinators. Its activities are international in scope, enabling it to work with cohorts of patients and at-risk children from highly diverse populations.
Plans for an associated international laboratory in complex geological systems were formally launched in December 2017. This lab is run by researchers from UNIL (Faculty of Geosciences and Environment), Université Laval (Marc Constantin), the University of Neuchâtel, and the Québec-based Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS). Fields of inquiry include the hydrogeology of fissured environments, the hydrogeology of northern and alpine regions, and the characterization of hydrogeological heterogeneities for the study of groundwater.
Joint courses and workshops, mobility exchanges for PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows, faculty exchanges, and joint field campaigns are among the activities planned under the auspices of LIASHyC.
Université Laval
Marie-Andrée Doran
Deputy Vice Rector
Office of the Vice Rector of External and International Affairs and Health
ULaval Director of the ULaval/UNIL Strategic Partnership
Denis Dafflon
Director of International Relations
UNIL Director of the ULaval/UNIL Strategic Partnership

Sao Paulo State University
Founded in 1976 in the wake of the merger of several institutions, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), is Brazil’s largest public university, with facilities in 24 cities in the state of Sao Paulo.
Our strategic partnership
As part of the partnership with UNESP, the Quebec-Brazil Photonics Research International Joint Unit (UMI) was created under the direction of Professor Younès Messaddeq in 2013. UMI’s research program, which is associated with the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Photonic Innovations, aims to develop photonic material for applications in IT, medicine, public health, and the environment and sustainable development.
UMI is based on the ULaval campus. Eleven Brazilian professors and researchers have worked there as visiting faculty since 2013, along with 10 graduate students completing their dissertations under ULaval-UNESP co-supervision. Faculty members and graduate students from UNESP and other groups of research partners also regularly visit UMI.
Additional work, including projects cofunded by Brazilian sources, is also underway in Sao Paulo.
Université Laval
Marie-Andrée Doran
Deputy Vice Rector
Office of the Vice Rector of External and International Affairs and Health
ULaval Director of the ULaval/UNESP Strategic Partnership
José Celso Freire Junior - PhD
Vice-rector of International Relations
UNESP Director of the ULaval/UNESP Strategic Partnership
Sorbonne University
Sorbonne University is a world-class multidisciplinary research-intensive university specializing in the humanities, medicine and science. It is committed to meeting major societal challenges and disseminating the knowledge generated by its research teams. With some 52 000 students, 6400 teachers and academic researchers and 3900 administrative and technical staff at the heart of Paris and in various regions across France, Sorbonne University is a diverse, innovative and outward-looking institution. It is part of the Sorbonne University Alliance, which brings together 6 institutions promoting a global approach to teaching and research. Sorbonne University is also a member of the 4EU+ Alliance.
Our strategic partnership
With their complementary strengths and shared values, Sorbonne University and Université Laval signed a strategic partnership agreement in June 2021. The agreement is a concrete expression of their desire to address international issues through an innovative approach, in a concerted effort to serve our communities.
Both universities seek to develop collaborative research projects, knowledge transfer activities, joint specialized training and student and faculty mobility.

In order to broaden existing collaborative initiatives and develop new ones, and above all, to ensure their sustainability, we have determined four main lines for our interdisciplinary projects:
- Oceanography, marine stations and technologies
- Science communication and journalism
- Societal changes: artificial intelligence, ethics, humanities and philosophy
- Environmental transition and sustainable development
As an example of activities carried out through this partnership, the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence and the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology held a virtual school in 2021 on responsible artificial intelligence, sustainable health and climate change. Another example is the continuation and strengthening of cooperation in the marine and oceanography sector between the Takuvik International Research Laboratory (formerly the Takuvik International Joint Unit) and Sorbonne University.
The partnership has also encouraged joint initiatives in other areas, such as the 2021 symposium on philosophy doctoral student exchanges.
Université Laval
Bénédicte Collignon
Research Development Advisor
Sorbonne University
Maël Baseilhac
International Development Manager