Optimizing perinatal and health practices for family wellness
Geneviève Roch’s work to organize services and optimize practices, primarily in perinatal and oncology care, is equipping health professionals to better meet the needs of families and children.

Project architects
Geneviève Roch
Full Professor, Faculty of Nursing
Member of:
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – Université Laval
Centre de recherche du CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches
VITAM – Centre de recherche en santé durable
Vulnerability and recovering moms – Les Relevailles program and collaboration
Three projects involving researchers from Université Laval, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), and Université de Montréal. Noteworthy contributions by Ginette Mbourou Azizah, Louise Boucher, Céline Béland, Jérôme Bourgoin, Jean-François Rivard, Marie-Hélène Deshaies, Alexandre Prud’Homme, and Christophe Tremblay.
Political leadership in education – International collaboration
Includes researchers from Université Laval, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), Université de Montréal, the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing (United States), and Institut et Haute École de la Santé La Source – HES-SO (Switzerland).
From the impacts of group and online prenatal education services to the impacts of COVID-19
Includes researchers from Université Laval, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), and McGill University. Noteworthy contributions by Geneviève Painchaud-Guérard, Camille Blouin, Stéphane Turcotte, Steve Légaré, Sabrina Crevier, Geneviève Lapointe, Marie-Violaine Dubé Ponte, and Alexandre Prud’Homme.
CHU de Québec–Université Laval
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches
Réseau des Centres de ressources périnatales du Québec
Fédération québécoise des organismes communautaires Famille (FQOCF)
Regroupement pour la Valorisation de la paternité
Fondation des Étoiles
Fondation Charles-Bruneau
Supporting families after the birth of a child
Professor Roch collaborates with various perinatal care organizations on projects that provide innovative postnatal home support services for recovering mothers. Thanks to her expertise, Ressources-Naissances in Lévis has defined and improved its service offering, positioned itself in the right niche, and increased awareness of the resources available when a child is born, regardless of socioeconomic status. This has made postnatal support available to everyone, strengthening parenting skills and promoting family well-being.
When health is political
When it comes to health, the political stakes can be surprisingly high. In response, Geneviève Roch has developed a technology tool that helps healthcare workers—from managers to informal caregivers—exercise political leadership by better understanding the issues they face. The tool provides pointers on how to build a clear case and a structured, strategic approach to achieving goals, whatever they may be.
Developing digital education services for families
With a number of partners, Geneviève Roch’s team is researching the impacts of changes to prenatal education services with a view to harmonizing the hybrid, online, and in-person options available. When the unexpected—a pandemic—occurred during the project, Professor Roch’s team also assessed the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on perinatal health and services, with input from the Foundation of Stars. The results, which are still under analysis, are helping to define and optimize service quality, neutrality, and suitability for the changing needs of parents.

The pandemic has helped redefine prenatal education services and tailor them to the challenges and needs of future parents.

Thanks to Professor Roch’s expertise, Ressources-Naissances assessed and positioned its services for families.

In her book, Geneviève Roch presents a method and a web-based tool for exercising political leadership in health care.

Professor Roch’s research promotes the well-being of babies and parents by making perinatal services available to everyone
What's next
In the coming years, Geneviève Roch will continue her perinatal research with various organizations that work with families.
She is also starting a research project on pediatric oncology with the support of Fondation Charles-Bruneau. This project will take a collaborative approach to assessing organizational innovations to support best practices in the care and services provided to families affected by pediatric cancer. Building on partnerships with families, this will help consolidate expertise among nurses and establish indicators for practices that are important to families. Interestingly, this research project will be conducted through a fun video game! Professor Roch seeks to advance pediatric oncology practices by applying game-playing principles to learning situations.
Université Laval au coeur de nos vies
Learn more about Professor Geneviève Roch’s perinatal and health research by listening to this interview with Valérie Gaudreau, editor-in-chief of daily newspaper Le Soleil.
ULaval Nouvelles article
Learn more about Geneviève Roch’s career and the video game she and her team are developing to improve pediatric oncology practices.
Health policy analysis and intervention handbook (in French)
Get the handbook in paper or PDF format.