Frequently asked questions for students and postdoctoral fellows
Updated May 15, 2023
Strike by Université Laval’s professors’ union, the Syndicat des professeurs et professeures de l'Université Laval (SPUL)
Professors remain free to propose the content, teaching and evaluation methods and pedagogical strategies that are relevant to the achievement of the course objectives. It is possible that the content, modalities and strategies will differ from those initially included in the course plan.
In developing the continuity plan, the professor is flexible and takes into account the multiple constraints (internships, summer session, employment, graduation, end of residence permit, etc.) that students must deal with.
In exceptional cases, for serious reasons, a student may request an accommodation.
A minimum of two assessments must be maintained within each course.
Students enrolled in the course will be consulted about changes to the schedule and evaluation procedures. This consultation should take place in the first course after the strike. To be approved, changes must receive a majority of the votes cast.
Classes could continue beyond April 30.
At a minimum, two evaluations will have to be maintained in each course.
Students enrolled in the course will be consulted about any changes to the schedule and evaluation procedures. This consultation should take place in the first course after the strike. To be approved, changes must receive a majority of the votes cast.
Will my placement scheduled after April 30 take place or will it be postponed?
All measures will be taken to ensure that the scheduled courses will continue. More specific information will be provided to you by your program director.
Does the University plan to use P or N grading (pass or fail) as it did at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Yes. Students will have the option of choosing either a pass (P) or fail (N) grade in lieu of a final grade for courses that were affected by the strike in the Winter 2023 term. Please note that some courses may be subtracted by faculty from the P/N grading scale due to special contingencies related to an accrediting agency's requirements. The course to which the P/N grading scale is applied does not have a numerical value on the transcript and does not contribute to the calculation of averages.
To take advantage of this measure, students will need to make a request to the Registrar's Office via an online form no later than 10 days after the final course grade is issued or the grade assigned will be retained.
See the Grading Adjustment for Winter 2023 Term Courses page for complete details and to complete the form beginning Monday, May 15, 2023.
International Students
Immigration rules require you to study full-time during the required sessions of your program of study. Due to the exceptional measure in place, dropping a course as described above will not change your full-time status and will not affect your obligation to make your studies your primary activity.
The deadline for submission of grades for the Winter 2023 session for courses not affected by the strike remains as scheduled. These courses will be graded.
Grades for courses affected by the strike that have not been completed by the deadline will not appear on your transcript. The field will remain "blank". Any grades entered afterwards will appear on the transcript as they are received the next day.
Will the session be extended?
Courses may continue beyond April 30. As such, activities may be postponed to May or the end of August depending on the nature of the activity.
The deadline has been extended to May 31, 2023. Further information will be sent by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) to the students concerned.
Classes that have been affected by the strike are not cancelled. All possible means are being put in place to allow you to complete the courses for which you are registered. Therefore, there will be no refund of tuition.
Yes, under certain conditions, a retroactive graduation to May 31 will be possible.
Yes, Winter 2023 graduating students have already received or will soon receive the invitation as per the usual procedure. Even if the grades for the courses affected by the strike have not been entered on the transcript, they will be able to participate. In this case, a letter of congratulations will be given at the ceremony instead of the diploma.
If your immigration documents expire in the next few months, we advise you to start the renewal process 6 months before their expiration, as usual. You should then plan to renew your immigration documents accordingly.
Classes may continue beyond April 30. Therefore, activities could be postponed to May or the end of August depending on the nature of the activity.
However, various modalities will be considered (including distance learning) to allow you to complete your courses. Details will be sent to you at a later date. This will be part of the continuity plans for each course.
No. From May 1 to July 31, 2023, if you meet the eligibility requirements, you will have to fill out the application form via the Perspective Québec Scholarships page in monPortail. Confirmation of successful completion of your courses will be made when all your grades are entered in your file, thus triggering the payment of your scholarship.
If any questions remain, we invite you to email