Sustainable development
In seeking out and transmitting knowledge, the university community is profoundly committed to the collective, long-term well-being of the community.
A Shared vision of sustainable development
Having a shared vision of sustainable development takes us farther—boldly, coherently, transparently, and together. A participatory approach ensures the academic community is actively engaged in conversations about sustainable development at the University.
Together, let’s forge a sustainable future.

AUDACITY – Take bold action to bring about ambitious, structural changes through the power of consensus and the development of concrete, innovative solutions.
COHERENCE – Make sure our actions and practices are coherent so that sustainable development becomes a collective effort with multiple impacts and benefits.
TRANSPARENCY – Be transparent and stay attuned to the rapid evolution of innovation and initiative within the university community.
Acting for the climate
In addition to being carbon neutral, the University encourages members of the ULaval community to take action to mitigate their climate footprint. It supports projects that contribute to climate change research and the transition to a low-carbon society.

Université Laval increases its commitment to sustainable development every year. Take a look at our most recent achievements.
Documentation and publications
See ULaval’s action plans, assessments, guides, reports, and official policies on sustainable development.
Governance and committees
Université Laval’s sustainable development vision and priorities are forged in collaboration with University stakeholders and members of the ULaval community.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The UN SDGs serve as a roadmap for Université Laval’s sustainable development initiatives.