Sustainable development
Université Laval has always taken steps to preserve and improve quality of life without compromising that of generations to come. Today, ULaval integrates sustainable development into its everyday operations, encouraging and supporting student initiatives and offering an introduction to sustainable development issues in all its undergraduate programs. As a ULaval student, you can also contribute to sustainable development by starting a project or participating in existing initiatives.
Programs with a strong SD focus
Sustainability principles and concepts are more present than ever in ULaval teaching and learning activities and have been incorporated into the content of nearly 400 courses. ULaval is constantly striving to strengthen its SD educational offerings and promote itself as a local and international centre for learning in SD, especially in the French-speaking world.

Sustainable development profile
The Sustainable Development Profile consists of 12 credits integrated into your program of studies. This option is designed to give you interdisciplinary experience in solving problems related to sustainable development issues and teach skills you can use to set yourself apart and get a job related to your values—all without extending your studies.

A carbon-neutral university
After years of sustained effort, Université Laval became the first university in Canada and Québec to voluntarily achieve carbon neutrality by massively reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and using the Montmorency Forest carbon sink and carbon credit purchases to offset the rest.

Montmorency Forest
Montmorency Forest, the world’s largest teaching and research forest, represents more than 50 years of science endeavour to improve sustainable forest management practices.
The Forest is an open-air lab that is used year round for hands-on courses and research, particularly in the fields of forestry, geodetics, biological sciences, and fish and game management.

UniC Network
The International Student Network on Climate – UniC is a community of practice where university students from around the world come together to share ideas, learn, and collaborate on climate. Through a special platform, scheduled activities, and group projects, the bilingual (French and English) UniC community unlocks collective action to advocate for the climate. Now you can further your academic career and take action for climate change!