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Université Laval condemns campus assaults and takes measures to ensure resident security

Québec City, October 17, 2016 – On behalf of the entire university community, Université Laval expresses its empathy for the victims of the assaults that occurred on its campus. «We are deeply shocked by the assaults that occurred in our residences, and our hearts go out to the victims,» said Éric Bauce, Executive Vice Rector, Development, at Université Laval. «We unreservedly condemn the reported crimes and have been working diligently with police authorities right from the start to move the investigation into these criminal acts forward.»

A team of university professionals immediately stepped in to ensure the victims receive the psychological support needed following this ordeal. A team of counsellors providing assistance services is on hand at Université Laval residences at all times, day and night. Professional psychological support is also available.

Since the events, Université Laval has further tightened security in the buildings where residences are located. All relevant information gathered by our security devices has been turned over to the Québec City police department.

Université Laval residences are equipped with a set of security measures to maintain a peaceful environment. «All our buildings have numerous security cameras and automatically locking doors. Also, security officers constantly monitor the living spaces,» explained Éric Bauce. «Despite these measures, regrettable and shocking incidents occurred inside the residences last weekend.»

An information campaign for students living in the residents has also been launched to remind them of the importance of locking the doors to their rooms.

Out of respect for the victims and for the ongoing police and legal process, Université Laval will issue no further comment on the events.

Andrée-Anne Stewart
Medias Relations
Université Laval
418 254-3141 (cell.)