Répertoire du corps professoral
Andréa J. Woodburn
Professeure agrégée
Pavillon Éduc. phys. et sports
2300, rue de la Terrasse
Local 2170
Vers la mise en place d'initiatives de mobilisation des connaissances dans le domaine de la recherche sur le sport sécuritaire
Programme: Programme Connexion: Subventions Connexion
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Université Laval - Fonds internes, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 juillet 2024
au 30 juin 2025
Encadrements terminés dans les 5 dernières années
Publications des 5 dernières années
What are the key topics coaches judge important to address in educational opportunities regarding maltreatment in sport? XVII Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 2024/07. Simard, W., Andrea Woodburn, Parent, S., Radziszewski, S., Gillard, A..
Asked and answered: A symposium response to last year’s hot topics USCCE 2024 North American Development Summit, 2024/06. Thompson, M., Dahlin, S., Elliott, J., Nash, C., Andrea Woodburn.
Coach Development Pedagogy 2024/04/02. Andrea Woodburn, Michel Milistetd. DOI 10.4324/9781003160939-18
The Learner-Centered Curriculum: Is it the Missing Piece in Coaching Programs? International Sport Coaching Journal, 2024. Lincoln Cruz Martins, Andrea J. Woodburn, Michel Milistetd. DOI 10.1123/iscj.2023-0039
Development and initial validation of the perceived instrumental effects of violence in sport scale Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2024. Parent, S., Radziszewski, S., Gillard, A., Bélanger-Gravel, A., Gagné, M.-H., St-Pierre, E., Vertommen, T., Woodburn, A.. DOI 10.3389/fspor.2024.1355958
COACH DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY The Routledge Handbook of Coach Development in Sport, 2024. Woodburn, A., Milistetd, M.. DOI 10.4324/9781003160939-18
A language for talking about coach assessment: Stimulating and sustaining productive conversations Sport Coach Education, Development, and Assessment: International Perspectives, 2024. Woodburn, A., Schembri, G.. DOI 10.4324/9781003472438-2
"We were the curriculum": Embedded assessment in an international coach developer programme Sport Coach Education, Development, and Assessment: International Perspectives, 2024. Woodburn, A., Galatti, L.R., Kiosoglous, C.. DOI 10.4324/9781003472438-11
Sport federation use of social learning for coaches 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2023/11. Andrea Woodburn, Duchesneau, M.A..
Putting the ICCE “International Coach Developer Framework” and “Building your CD workforce” into practice 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2023/11. Crisfield, P., Andrea Woodburn.
My journey facilitating social learning spaces for coaches 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2023/11. Duchesneau, M.A., Andrea Woodburn.
Cultural Competence and Intercultural Effectiveness in Coaching and Coach Development: A Workshop for Coach Developers 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2023/11. Bespomoshchnov, V., Andrea Woodburn, Saarinen, M..
Assessment in Sport Coach Education and Development; International Perspectives 14th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2023/11. McCarthy, L., Vangrunderbeek, H., Callewaert, M., Skopinski, A., De Backer, M., Kiosogolous, C., Andrea Woodburn, Galatti, L., Morley, D., Perry, K., Roberts, A., Lidums, M..
“To play elite, you need talent and you need parents with deep pockets”: The price tag of competitive sport participation in Québec and Canada Sport Canada Research Initiative Conference, 2023/10. Allison-Abaunza, A., Andrea Woodburn.
Perceptions, attitudes, and managers' roles regarding socio-economic inclusion and exclusion in competitive youth sports programs: A Bourdieusian analysis 2023 World Congress of Sociology of Sport, 2023/08. Allison-Abaunza, A., Andrea Woodburn.
Associations between beliefs regarding instrumental effects of maltreatment and coach psychological maltreatment and neglect behaviors European College of Sport Science Conference, 2023/07. Parent, S., Radziszewski, S., Gillard, A., Bélanger-Gravel, A., Gagné, M.-H., Vertommen, T., Andrea Woodburn.
Work of the USCCE research committee North American Coach Development Summit, 2023/06. Thompson, M., Nash, C., Dahlin, S., Andrea Woodburn, Elliot, J..
Coach development across cultures: Reflections from a sabbatical year on the road North American Coach Development Summit, 2023/06. Andrea Woodburn.
Une étude de cas multiple portant sur les enjeux d’accessibilité socioéconomique au sport organisé compétitif : recommandations pour les gestionnaires des programmes sportifs 90e Congrès de l’Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS), 2023/05. Allison-Abaunza, A., Andrea Woodburn.
Cultural competence and intercultural effectiveness in coaching and coach development Developing Sport Coaches, 2023/03/20. Christine Nash, Andrea Woodburn. DOI 10.4324/9781003251309
The annual costs of participation in the Sport-études programs in Quebec Loisir et Societe, 2022. Allison-Abaunza, A., Woodburn, A.. DOI 10.1080/07053436.2022.2073030
Les défis d’un gestionnaire visant à rendre son programme Sport-études plus accessible financièrement Au-delà du sport : étude de cas en gestion sportive, 2022. Allison-Abaunza, A., Andrea Woodburn.
The ICCE coaching degree programme standards: Current status and future avenues 13th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2021/11. Lara-Bercial, S., Andrea Woodburn, Abraham, A., Rynne, S., Dieffenbach, K.D..
Coach Developers are Your Most Important Asset 13th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2021/11. Crisfield, P., Andrea Woodburn.
Assessment as a feature of coach education programmes: What, how, and why? 13th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2021/11. McCarthy, L., Andrea Woodburn, Galatti, L., Azhar, M..
Mentor requirements in the student-coach practicum: an analysis using the critical incident technique Sports Coaching Review, 2021. Woodburn, A., Allison-Abaunza, A., Couture-Légaré, J., Thompson, M.. DOI 10.1080/21640629.2021.1952809
Curricular Models as a Foundation for Coach Development Programs United States Council for Coaching Excellence Virtual Summit, 2020/06. Andrea Woodburn.
Mentoring as a professional development strategy for a high-performance basketball coach,O mentoring como estratégia de desenvolvimento profissional de um treinador de basquetebol de alta performance Journal of Physical Education (Maringa), 2020. de Andrade Rodrigues, H., Filho, H.R.G., Woodburn, A., Cundari, G.. DOI 10.4025/jphyseduc.v31i1.3153
The professionalization of coaching and the ICCE International Coach Developer Program: NCDA Program impact and next steps beyond Tokyo 2020 12th International Council for Coaching Excellence Global Coach Conference, 2019/10. Andrea Woodburn, Thompson, M., Dieffenbach, K..
Professional development of a high-performance basketball coach: Mentoring as a formative strategy 12th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2019/10. Rodrigues, H., Filho, H., Andrea Woodburn, Cundari, G..
An analysis of learning moments through reflective timelines in facilitated workshops 12th ICCE Global Coach Conference, 2019/10. Andrea Woodburn, Thompson, M., Dieffenbach, K..
Experiential Learning for undergraduate student-coaches Coach Education and Development in Sport, 2019. DOI 10.4324/9780429351037
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