Répertoire du corps professoral
Céline Vaneeckhaute
Professeure agrégée
Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot
1065, avenue de la Médecine
Local 3550
Vers la remédiation du Lac St-Augustin par l'implantation d'une méthode d'adsorption des phosphates
Programme: Subvention Alliance - Avantage
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Ville de Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 septembre 2024
au 30 novembre 2026
Development of decentralized water sanitation facilities targeting contaminant removal at the source of domestic wastewater in Nunavik, Quebec
Programme: Fonds d'accélération de la recherche Sentinelle Nord
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 mars 2024
au 31 mars 2025
Infrastructure commune de recherche dans les domaines de l'hydrogène vert et des bioénergies
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières - UQTR
Du 12 septembre 2022
au 30 août 2026
Centre québécois de recherche sur la gestion de l'eau
Programme: Regroupements stratégiques NT
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, Université Laval - Fonds internes, Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS)
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2022
au 31 mars 2028
Promouvoir la transition écologique dans la région de la MRC Nicolet-Yamaska
Programme: Programme visage municipal
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): MRC de Nicolet-Yamaska, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 31 mars 2022
au 31 mars 2025
AQUAE – Surveillance de la qualité de l’eau et rémédiation : microcapteur multifonctionnel innovant
Programme: Appel à projet générique 2021
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Agence nationale de la recherche
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université de Rennes 1
Du 1 octobre 2021
au 1 octobre 2025
Canada Research Chair on resource recovery and bio-products engineering
Programme: Chaires de recherche du Canada - Fonctionnement
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 mai 2020
au 31 mars 2026
Integration and optimization of resource recovery processes to sustainably produce chemicals and energy from waste (water) flows
Programme: Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada, Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC)
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2017
au 31 mars 2025
Financements des 2 dernières années
Analyses physicochimiques et test BMP
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Serex
Type de financement: Contrat
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 21 janvier 2024
au 31 mai 2024
Valorisation circulaire des digestats de biométhanisation avec la production de microalgues et l’élevage de larves d’insectes décomposeurs comestibles
Programme: Projet subsidiaire de réseau RRECQ
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2022
au 31 mars 2023
Development of resilient municipal wastewater treatment infrastructure targeting water reuse in Nunavik, Quebec
Programme: Sentinelle Nord - Deuxième appel à projets majeurs
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 novembre 2020
au 31 décembre 2024
Simulation et optimisation des procédés et des produits du Centre de Biométhanisation de l'Agglomération de Québec (CBAQ)
Programme: Subventions Alliance
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada, Ville de Québec
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 septembre 2020
au 31 août 2023
Programme: Projet de recherche en équipe
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières - UQTR
Du 1 avril 2020
au 15 juillet 2023
Encadrements terminés dans les 5 dernières années
Publications des 5 dernières années
Micropollutants in biochar produced from sewage sludge: A systematic review on the impact of pyrolysis operating conditions Waste Management, 2024. Schlederer, F., Martín-Hernández, E., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2023.12.036
Integration of Pretreated Crop Residues to Improve the Valorization of Biogas Digestate by the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens L.; Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Larvae Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2024. Brodeur, D., Deschamps, M.-H., Vandenberg, G., Barnabé, S., Gómez, D., Déry, M.-A., Vaneeckhaute, C., Adjalle, K.. DOI 10.1007/s12649-023-02340-z
Ensuring safety standards in sewage sludge-derived biochar: Impact of pyrolysis process temperature and carrier gas on micropollutant removal Journal of Environmental Management, 2024. Schlederer, F., Martín-Hernández, E., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119964
Correlations and impact of anaerobic digestion operating parameters on the start-up duration: Database construction for robust start-up guidelines Journal of Environmental Management, 2024. Hmaissia, A., Bareha, Y., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121068
Are lagoons efficient for summer wastewater treatment in northern decentralized communities to ensure environmental and human health? Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2024. Boleydei, H., Lemay, M.-J., Gagné, M.-J., Brassard, J., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.105123
Advancements and challenges in membrane bioreactor performance for decentralized and low-temperature applications: A comprehensive review Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2024. Boleydei, H., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.105523
Pyrolysis of Sewage Sludge: Reducing Micropollutants in Biochar and Recovering Biogas from Pyroliquids WEFTEC 2023 - 96th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, 2023. Schlederer, F., Martín-Hernández, E., Vaneeckhaute, C..
N, P, K recovery from hydrolysed urine by Na-chabazite adsorption integrated with ammonia stripping and (K-)struvite precipitation Science of the Total Environment, 2023. Wu, H., Foster, X., Kazemian, H., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159277
Multi-sectorial assessment of phosphorus in Ontario, Canada: Mapping flows and analysis of the potential for recovery and reuse Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023. Martín-Hernández, E., Garcia Hernandez, J.A., Gangapersad, S., Zhao, T., Omelon, S., Brouwer, R., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107108
Multi-scale techno-economic assessment of nitrogen recovery systems for livestock operations Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023. Martín-Hernández, E., Montero-Rueda, C., Ruiz-Mercado, G.J., Vaneeckhaute, C., Martín, M.. DOI 10.1016/j.spc.2023.07.028
Forging a cohesive path: Integrating life cycle assessments of primary-origin phosphorus fertilizer production and secondary-origin recovery from municipal wastewater Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2023. Manoukian, L., Metson, G.S., Hernández, E.M., Vaneeckhaute, C., Frigon, D., Omelon, S.. DOI 10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107260
A method to characterize precipitated minerals in organic waste and their transformation by anaerobic digestion: Focus on phosphorus Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023. Del Valle Velasco, C., Vaneeckhaute, C., Fabrice, B.. DOI 10.1016/j.jece.2023.111186
Valorization of pretreated biogas digestate with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens, L; Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae Journal of Environmental Management, 2022. Pas, C., Brodeur, D., Deschamps, M.-H., Lebeuf, Y., Adjalle, K., Barnabé, S., Eeckhout, M., Vandenberg, G., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115529
Valorization of Pretreated Biogas Digestate with Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens, L; Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Larvae SSRN, 2022. Pas, C., Brodeur, D., Deschamps, M.-H., Lebeuf, Y., Adjalle, K., Barnabé, S., Eeckhout, M., Vandenberg, G., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.2139/ssrn.4061754
Resource recovery from water: Principles and application Resource Recovery from Water: Principles and Application, 2022. Pikaar, I., Guest, J., Ganigué, R., Jensen, P., Rabaey, K., Seviour, T., Trimmer, J., van der Kolk, O., Vaneeckhaute, C., Verstraete, W..
Physical and chemical characterization of construction, renovation and demolition waste in the Quebec province Cleaner Waste Systems, 2022. Laadila, M.A., LeBihan, Y., Caron, R.-F., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.clwas.2022.100002
Nutrient recovery from wastewater: A review on the integrated Physicochemical technologies of ammonia stripping, adsorption and struvite precipitation Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022. Wu, H., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.cej.2021.133664
N, P, K Recovery from Hydrolysed Urine by Na-Chabazite Adsorption Integrated with Ammonia Stripping and (K-)Struvite Precipitation SSRN, 2022. Wu, H., Foster, X., Kazemian, H., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.2139/ssrn.4170677
Evaluating the impact of substrate addition for anaerobic co-digestion on biogas production and digestate quality: The case of deinking sludge Journal of Environmental Management, 2022. Bareha, Y., Faucher, J.-P., Michel, M., Houdon, M., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115657
Towards an integrated decision-support system for sustainable organic waste management (optim-O) npj Urban Sustainability, 2021. Vaneeckhaute, C., Walling, E., Rivest, S., Belia, E., Chartrand, I., Fortin, F., Mostafavi, M.A.. DOI 10.1038/s42949-021-00033-x
Techno-economic assessment at full scale of a biogas refinery plant receiving nitrogen rich feedstock and producing renewable energy and biobased fertilisers Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. Brienza, C., Sigurnjak, I., Meier, T., Michels, E., Adani, F., Schoumans, O., Vaneeckhaute, C., Meers, E.. DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127408
Potential and challenges of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage as a carbon-negative energy source: A review Biomass and Bioenergy, 2021. Babin, A., Vaneeckhaute, C., Iliuta, M.C.. DOI 10.1016/j.biombioe.2021.105968
Phosphorus removal and recovery from wastewater via hybrid ion exchange nanotechnology: a study on sustainable regeneration chemistries npj Clean Water, 2021. Ownby, M., Desrosiers, D.-A., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1038/s41545-020-00097-9
Novel simple approaches to modeling composting kinetics Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021. Walling, E., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jece.2021.105243
Nitrogen fertilizers and the environment Nitrate Handbook: Environmental, Agricultural, and Health Effects, 2021. Walling, E., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1201/9780429326806-8
Modifying the resin type of hybrid anion exchange nanotechnology (HAIX-Nano) to improve its regeneration and phosphate recovery efficiency npj Clean Water, 2021. Foster, X., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1038/s41545-021-00142-1
Integrating resource recovery process and watershed modelling to facilitate decision-making regarding bio-fertilizer production and application npj Clean Water, 2021. Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1038/s41545-021-00105-6
Construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) wastes contaminated by gypsum residues: Characterization, treatment and valorization Waste Management, 2021. Amine Laadila, M., LeBihan, Y., Caron, R.-F., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.11.031
Author Correction: Phosphorus removal and recovery from wastewater via hybrid ion exchange nanotechnology: a study on sustainable regeneration chemistries (npj Clean Water, (2021), 4, 1, (6), 10.1038/s41545-020-00097-9) npj Clean Water, 2021. Ownby, M., Desrosiers, D.-A., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1038/s41545-021-00104-7
Management of ship-generated food waste and sewage on the Baltic Sea: A review Waste Management, 2020. Vaneeckhaute, C., Fazli, A.. DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.10.030
Greenhouse gas emissions from inorganic and organic fertilizer production and use: A review of emission factors and their variability Journal of Environmental Management, 2020. Walling, E., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111211
Enzymatic reactions in the production of biomethane from organic waste Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2020. Mwene-Mbeja, T.M., Dufour, A., Lecka, J., Kaur, B.S., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2019.109410
Developing successful environmental decision support systems: Challenges and best practices Journal of Environmental Management, 2020. Walling, E., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110513
Current state and potential valorisation of ship-generated organic waste in Quebec, Canada Waste Management, 2020. Vaneeckhaute, C., Darveau, O.. DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.08.009
A review of mathematical models for composting Waste Management, 2020. Walling, E., Trémier, A., Vaneeckhaute, C.. DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.06.018
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