Répertoire du corps professoral
Geneviève Pelletier
Professeure titulaire
Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot
1065, avenue de la Médecine
Local 2986
Impacts of climate change on water quality in water distribution networks
Programme: Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2024
au 31 mars 2029
Revue de littérature et élaboration du projet pilote visant le développement d'une méthodologie adressée aux municipalités souhaitant investiguer la présence de fibres d'amiante dans l'eau potable distribuée
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Min. de l'environnement de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques de la Faune et des Parcs
Type de financement: Contrat
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 9 février 2024
au 31 mars 2025
Development of methods and tools for the integrated management of drinking water quality
Programme: Subventions Alliance
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Ville de Lévis, Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada, ITF Labs (Avensys Solutions), WaterShed Monitoring, Ville de Québec
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 15 juin 2020
au 14 juin 2025
Financements des 2 dernières années
Gestion des eaux pluviales : Adaptation aux changements climatiques par l'intégration d'infrastructures vertes et d'infrastructures intelligentes
Programme: Subventions Alliance
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Municipalité d'Adstock, Ville de Saint-Hyacinthe, Municipalité de Saint-Charles-Borromée, Ville de Victoriaville, Ville de Repentigny, Soleno inc., Ville de Candiac, Ville de Rivière-du-Loup, Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC), Ville de Boucherville, Ville de Montréal, Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada, Ville de Québec
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Université du Québec - INRS
Du 1 avril 2019
au 31 décembre 2024
Gestion adaptative des débits en réseau de distribution pour contrôler la qualité de l’eau
Programme: Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe)
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 avril 2018
au 31 mars 2024
Encadrements terminés dans les 5 dernières années
Publications des 5 dernières années
Application of Real-Time Control and Source Control Solutions to Reduce Combined Sewer Overflows: A Review of Approaches and Performances Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 2024/11. Helieh Abasi, Marie-Eve Jean, Hamidreza Shirkhani, Sophie Duchesne, Geneviève Pelletier, Yehuda Kleiner, Andrew Colombo. DOI 10.1061/JSWBAY.SWENG-531
Optimizing sampling location for water quality degradation monitoring in distribution systems: Assessing global representativeness and potential health risk Journal of Environmental Management, 2024/08. Andres Ardila, Manuel J. Rodriguez, Genevieve Pelletier. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121505
Performance Assessment of Stormwater Management Infrastructures in a Parking Lot near Montreal, Canada Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 2024. Guay, V., Binesh, N., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., Grégoire, G.. DOI 10.1061/JSWBAY.SWENG-528
Optimal distribution of green and grey infrastructures coupled with real time control of the sewer for combined sewer overflows control as an adaptation measure to climate change Urban Water Journal, 2024. Jean, M.-È., Morin, C., Ossa Ossa, J.E., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., Pleau, M.. DOI 10.1080/1573062X.2024.2312497
Spatiotemporal optimization of water quality degradation monitoring in water distribution systems supplied by surface sources: A chronological and critical review Journal of Environmental Management, 2023. Ardila, A., Rodriguez, M.J., Pelletier, G.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117734
Identifying key pipe attributes and locations to best determine chlorine decay coefficients within a water distribution system Water Supply, 2023. Maleki, M., Pelletier, G., Rodriguez, M.. DOI 10.2166/ws.2023.251
Full-scale determination of pipe wall and bulk chlorine degradation coefficients for different pipe categories Water Supply, 2023. Maleki, M., Ardila, A., Argaud, P.-O., Pelletier, G., Rodriguez, M.. DOI 10.2166/WS.2023.020
Real-time model predictive and rule-based control with green infrastructures to reduce combined sewer overflows Water Research, 2022/08. Marie‐Ève Jean, Camille Morin, Sophie Duchesne, Geneviève Pelletier, Martin Pleau. DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2022.118753
Urban runoff quality and quantity control: a functional comparison of various types of detention basins Urban Water Journal, 2022. Proteau, K., Binesh, N., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., Lavoie, I.. DOI 10.1080/1573062X.2022.2117633
Real-time controlled rainwater harvesting systems can improve the performance of stormwater networks Journal of Hydrology, 2022. Xu, W.D., Burns, M.J., Cherqui, F., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., Fletcher, T.D.. DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128503
Comparison of methods to evaluate overland travel times for source water protection Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2022. Tardif, F., St-Pierre, F., Pelletier, G., Rodriguez, M.J.. DOI 10.1080/09640568.2021.1952858
Comparative efficiency of oxidation processes to remove acesulfame in water treatment plants supplied by surface water sources Water Practice and Technology, 2022. Sérodes, J., Grondin, A., Simard, S., Pelletier, G., Rodriguez, M.. DOI 10.2166/wpt.2022.095
Optimization of Real‐Time Control With Green and Gray Infrastructure Design for a Cost‐Effective Mitigation of Combined Sewer Overflows Water Resources Research, 2021/12. Marie‐Ève Jean, Camille Morin, Sophie Duchesne, Geneviève Pelletier, Martin Pleau. DOI 10.1029/2021WR030282
Seasonal hydrological and water quality performance of individual and in-series stormwater infrastructures as treatment trains in cold climate Water Quality Research Journal, 2021/11/01. Caroline Brodeur-Doucet, Béatrice Pineau, Juliette Corrivault-Gascon, Diane Arjoon, Paul Lessard, Geneviève Pelletier, Sophie Duchesne. DOI 10.2166/wqrj.2021.026
Performance of green infrastructure for storm water treatment in cold climate (Canada) Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2021/06/24. Béatrice Pineau, Caroline Brodeur-Doucet, Juliette Corrivault-Gascon, Diane Arjoon, Paul Lessard, Geneviève Pelletier, Sophie Duchesne. DOI 10.1680/jenes.20.00041
Comparison of Hydrological Model-Based and Geographical-Based Approaches for Estimating Water Travel Times for Source Water Protection Environmental Processes, 2021/03/14. Flavie St-Pierre, Françoise Tardif, Manuel J. Rodriguez, Geneviève Pelletier. DOI 10.1007/s40710-020-00473-0
Rainfall–runoff modelling using octonion-valued neural networks Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2021. Shishegar, S., Ghorbani, R., Saad Saoud, L., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G.. DOI 10.1080/02626667.2021.1962885
Editorial Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2021. Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., Lessard, P.. DOI 10.1680/jenes.2021.16.4.165
Bulk and pipe wall chlorine degradation kinetics in three water distribution systems Urban Water Journal, 2021. McGrath, J., Maleki, M., Bouchard, C., Pelletier, G., Rodriguez, M.J.. DOI 10.1080/1573062X.2021.1893368
A smart predictive framework for system-level stormwater management optimization Journal of Environmental Management, 2021. Shishegar, S., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., Ghorbani, R.. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111505
Determination of sediment sources in a mixed watershed within the Appalachian-St. Lawrence Lowland Regions of southern Quebec using sediment fingerprinting Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020. Lachance, C., Lobb, D.A., Pelletier, G., Thériault, G., Chrétien, F.. DOI 10.1007/s10661-020-08568-9
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