Emeritus status
Emeritus status is the highest recognition Université Laval confers on faculty members.

Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert
Professor Emerita
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Professor Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert's research has contributed significantly to advancements in neuroscience, particularly with respect to our understanding of the mechanisms that cause Parkinson's disease. The knowledge and competencies developed in her laboratory—the result of decades of hard work—are now recognized around the world.
A skilled researcher in the field of neuroscience, Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert is a leading figure in efforts to better understand Parkinson's disease. She has been invited to share her expertise internationally on multiple occasions during her career. Her frequent contributions as an expert to various councils, granting agencies, and editorial boards testify to her scientific credibility. She has received major awards and distinctions in recognition of her commitment and the quality of her work, including the Heinz Lehmann Award from the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology in 2003, the Janssen-Ortho Award for Pharmaceutical Research from the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada in 2002, and the YWCA Canada Women of Distinction Award, presented to 400 extraordinary women on the occasion of Québec City's 400th anniversary in 2008.
A distinctive career
Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert has made a substantial and sustained contribution, supported by some thirty grants as principal or co-researcher. She has published 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 475 summaries of research findings. She is known worldwide for her preclinical research on levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease and her work on the effects of estrogens on areas of the brain involved in this ailment. This research has contributed to the advancement of fundamental knowledge of how steroids can affect membranes. From a translational perspective, she has also tested drugs used to treat endocrine conditions in humans and found them beneficial to areas of the brain involved in Parkinson's disease. Professor Di Paolo-Chênevert has been a frequent guest speaker and lecturer at scientific, university, and industry conferences and symposia. She has also distinguished herself as a member of granting agency review committees and as chair and co-organizer of international conference sessions.
Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert has had a long and productive career as a professor at Université Laval. After becoming a full professor, she maintained a consistently high level of performance and scientific productivity in her teaching and research activities. Her important contribution to Université Laval's reputation is further borne out by the numerous undergraduate and graduate students she welcomed and supervised in her laboratory. The quality of her administrative and scientific support undoubtedly facilitated their university careers and subsequent success. In addition to serving as head of research at the faculty from 2010 to 2017, Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert was the director of graduate programs in pharmaceutical science from 2002 to 2017. She held many other administrative positions at the Faculty of Pharmacy and the University, notably serving as a member of the council of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and the Awards and Distinctions Committee. Despite her workload, Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert always made time for her colleagues. Even in retirement, she continues to pursue her research activities with energy and enthusiasm at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Centre.

Marie-France Ebacher
Professor Emerita
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In the course of a career centered around university education and nursing training, Professor Marie-France Ebacher introduced problem-based learning, developed the clinical teaching program, and pioneered the use of simulation scenarios in the laboratory and at Centre Appprentiss. In cooperation with other partners in the region, she developed an integrated DEC-BAC program in nursing and contributed to the evaluation process for the bachelor's of nursing programs. She also helped develop the specialized nurse practitioner program and the PhD program in nursing.
Marie-France Ebacher has always believed in the importance of evidence-based teaching, continuous learning improvement, and skills development. Using innovative and strategic teaching methods, she helped transform the nursing curricula and secure support for innovation by fostering consensus, stakeholder buy-in, and transition toward change.Given her professional and teaching skills, Québec's order of nurses asked her to sit on its professional exam committee. She was also invited to serve as an advisor on program development and evaluation with various provincial, national, and international organizations and institutions. In 2008, Professor Ebacher received the Rachel Bureau Prize, the highest distinction awarded by Ordre régional des infirmières et infirmiers de Québec.
An ambassador for education
MarieFrance Ebacher has been a dedicated professor and active contributor in the realm of teaching and pedagogical innovation. She helped train numerous students in the Faculty of Nursing through her contributions to over 25 courses. She designed high quality learning modules, evaluation tools, and teaching materials. Some of the simulations and learning booklets she developed are now used by other universities. She also received an honourable mention in the multimedia category of the Minister of Higher Education's award. Marie-France Ebacher has been a constant innovator, working closely as a consultant and mentor with clinical teaching staff in nursing to help develop teaching activities and tools. To highlight her colleagues' work, she also created teaching excellence awards at the Faculty.
Marie-France Ebacher served as vice dean of academics and assistant to the vice rector of academic and international activities. As assistant to the vice rector, she was responsible for revising the University's academic rules for students, as well as its policies on distance learning and the promotion of teaching. She also put her skills to work as chair and member of numerous other committees and working groups on the promotion of teaching as well as scholarships, teaching excellence awards, distance learning, the Projet Santé initiative, interprofessional training, and the selection of education innovation projects. She sat on committees tasked with developing the specialized graduate diploma program, the master's program in nursing, and a graduate short program on health science education at university. She was invited on multiple occasions to sit on the selection committee for the Minister of Higher Education award competition. On an international scale, she was asked to serve as an expert on the jury of France's PEPS award for teaching excellence in higher education. Marie-France Ebacher's productivity and outstanding work on education and teaching have helped further Université Laval's reputation on the world stage.

Joan Glenn
Professor Emerita
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Throughout her career, Joan Glenn has enjoyed an outstanding reputation as both researcher and teacher. She has 25 publications to her name, as well as 39 papers presented at conferences on biochemistry research, medical education, and the promotion of best educational practices in the training of healthcare professionals. She has been active on several councils and societies, including Conseil de la recherche en santé du Québec and the Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology, and has also contributed to the development of health sciences education as a member of various groups, in particular Club de pédagogie médicale du Québec, the Canadian Association for Medical Education, and Société québécoise de gériatrie. She also sat on Conseil d'administration des établissements of Ministère de Santé et Services sociaux. Her remarkable dedication is reflected in the care provided to highly dependent and end-of-life patients at Enfant-Jésus Hospital, CHU de Québec-Université Laval.
Personal and professional commitment
For 50 years, Joan Glenn has dedicated her career to training students and meeting the changing needs of the population. Through her active involvement training young students at all levels, she played a key role in creating innovative courses designed to foster clinical judgment and patient-centred clinical reasoning. During her tenure as vice dean of undergraduate studies, she was closely involved in the review of the Faculty's medical program, which has since evolved into a new, competency-based training program. With the same objective in mind, she helped draft the report of the working group set up to promote better integration of physicians trained outside Canada and the United States who apply for a regular licence to practice in Québec.
In one of her proudest achievements, Joan Glen spearheaded the creation of the Quebec First Nations and Inuit Faculties of Medicine Program, which has enabled numerous Indigenous students to get medical training. Established by Université Laval, this joint program involving Québec's four medical faculties has been a great success over the past ten years and continues to attract candidates who will, through their practice, engage with their home communities.
Joan Glenn's colleagues have expressed their appreciation for her outstanding contribution to her field on numerous occasions. In 2011, she received a Certificate of Merit Award from the Canadian Association for Medical Education, and in 2015, the Diamond level Women of Distinction award from CHU de Québec-Université Laval. Although retired, she is still involved in medical training workshops and continues to sit on the committee to promote professionalism in Faculty of Medicine programs at Université Laval.

Gérard Hervouet
Professor Emeritus
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Professor Gérard Hervouet is a leading expert on Asia at Université Laval's Department of Political Science. He has devoted his career to the study of Canadian foreign policy, global security, and security in Asia. A regular visitor to East Asia, he developed a close interest in political governance systems in the region.
Drawing on established theory in international relations, he was quick to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to better understand the intersecting themes of tradition and modernity in Asia. He has shared his expertise through dozens of presentations and lectures in Asia, and has been recognized by international organizations such as Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), serving as a member of the Canadian delegation to the PECC General Assembly in San Francisco 1993. Most of Professor Hervouet's 108 books and peer-reviewed articles have dealt with Asia. As pioneering works in the field, some of his books attracted attention from researchers specializing in East Asia and from government departments in Ottawa. This international recognition afforded him the opportunity to meet personally with Asian political leaders, including King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia and members of the central committees of the Vietnamese and Chinese Communist parties.
In 1999, he obtained the title of university professor in France.
A passion for teaching
Gérard Hervouet taught thousands of students during his long career. Parallel to his research activities, he spent countless hours supervising numerous master's and doctoral students. His highly popular introductory course on international relations was an ideal vehicle for him to deepen students' knowledge and recruit young researchers interested in this field. His courses, always well attended, encouraged many students to pursue research at the graduate level. A number of these students are now teaching in universities across Canada and internationally. Others are working in Asia. Professor Hervouet still receives expressions of thanks from China, Japan, Vietnam, and other countries in which he has taught.
Gérard Hervouet's knowledge and passion earned him invitations from countries around the world in the course of his career. He gave courses at universities in China, Singapore, Australia, Poland, and France. He also taught at the Institute of Political Studies in Bordeaux from 1998 to 2001. Professor Hervouet felt it was crucial to develop a solid framework for teaching and research on Asia and international relations. With his colleagues, he pioneered Québec's first multidisciplinary master's program in international relations, serving as the program's first director in 1987‒1988. He helped establish and build the Research and Study Group on Contemporary Asia (GERAC), (GÉRAC), which he still leads today. In 1983, he and several colleagues also founded the Canadian Asian Studies Association. From 1985 to 1998, he edited the journal Études internationales, which has become the leading French-language scientific journal in the field.
Professor Hervouet's numerous invitations to teach, publish, speak, and join organizations in Asia have helped raise Université Laval's profile, and testify to his wide-ranging expertise.

Jacques Huot
Professor Emeritus
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Jacques Huot has made outstanding contributions in a number of research areas related to cancer treatment. Thanks to his work, we now have a better understanding of the signals that control cellular stress resistance, the process of metastasis, and cellular migration during the formation of new blood vessels. His citation record and the scale of his research grants are eloquent testimony to the importance and innovative nature of his discoveries.
Jacques Huot completed his postdoctoral studies in cellular physiology at Collège de France in Paris. In 1972, he was appointed professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Université Laval's Faculty of Medicine. During his career at the faculty, he struck a perfect balance between his teaching and research duties. As a full professor, he played a key role in developing graduate courses in molecular and cellular biology and helped train a generation of young researchers. In 2012, he received the Jacques-Leblanc award from the Faculty of Medicine's association of student researchers for his exemplary work supervising graduate students.
Professor Huot's research achievements have earned him an international reputation. He has some 100 publications to his name, and his work has been the subject of 220 papers presented at national and international conferences. For over 40 years, Professor Huot and his collaborators received research grants from Canada's major funding agencies. He was a member of Université Laval's Research Board, the executive committee of the UL Cancer Research Centre, as well as a number of other committees. He also directed Oncology research at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Centre. Professor Huot helped organize major national and international conferences and set up a number of scientific meetings.
A biomedical research pioneer
One of the highlights of Jacques Huot's career was the creation of Signalisation Québec. For nearly fifteen years now, this network has brought together Canada's leading francophone specialists in the field of cellular signalling. To mark this achievement, Signalisation Québec created a series of student awards in his honour. The research project associated with his work on oxidative stress earned him the Jonathon Ballon Award from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Québec in 2008. He was also named Researcher Emeritus of Université Laval's cancer research centre in 2017.
Jacques Huot has enhanced the reputation of the Faculty of Medicine through his many collaborative initiatives. His dynamic university career was marked by his consummate professionalism, commitment, and enthusiasm. All the students who trained in his laboratory have testified to his dedication and his ability to build team spirit and spur them to excellence. These same qualities have made him a mentor to whom colleagues often turned to for advice on research management and other academic activities. In 2014, he received an Outstanding Professor award from the Department of Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry and Pathology.
Jacques Huot's exceptional qualities as a researcher, conscientious mentor, outstanding professor and generous collaborator have greatly contributed to the reputation and excellence of biomedical training at the Faculty of Medicine of Université Laval.

Denis Lemieux
Professor Emeritus
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Professor Denis Lemieux, an internationally known expert in administrative law, helped train hundreds of jurists throughout his 40 year academic career and contributed in numerous ways to advances in administrative law and equality rights.
Professor Lemieux was a member of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for a number of years. In addition to his work on the Law Reform Commission of Canada, he acted as legal advisor to the Canadian Parliamentary Committee on Equality Rights and also served on the Québec bar association's continuing education committee. He was a member of various prestigious research networks and obtained numerous research grants as part of his university work. He also authored some hundred publications and three major works on administrative law. Immensely curious and creative, he not only helped anchor administrative law in the framework of modern Quebec civil law but also addressed the new challenges in public law posed by environmental protection and the globalization of trade.
Professor Lemieux was a member of Université Laval's Faculty of Law from 1972 to 2013. He was a remarkable teacher and researcher and took an active part in university life. In addition to his undergraduate teaching duties, he also directed numerous graduate students, involving them in his research, publications, and presentations. Professor Lemieux served as vice rector of academic and student affairs and vice rector of research and sat on a variety of university committees. As an adjunct professor, he continued to contribute generously to the faculty by evaluating master theses and doctoral dissertations and sitting on scholarship selection committees.
International recognition
Denis Lemieux served on numerous thesis juries at home and abroad, and was a guest professor in France and the United Kingdom. He also organized or co-organized multiple conferences, forging ties between Université Laval and the universities of Birmingham, Hamburg, Marrakech, and Montpellier, as well as the Administration Law Discussion Forum in the United States. For his significant contribution to these collaborative initiatives, Professor Lemieux was awarded the University of Montpellier I medal and named honorary research fellow of the University of Birmingham.
Together with his colleague Pierre Issalys, Denis Lemieux received the Fondation du Barreau du Québec award in 1999 for the book L'action gouvernementale – Précis de droit des institutions administratives. In 2014, Professeur Lemieux was honoured with the Mérite du Barreau du Québec award and named Lawyer Emeritus. In June 2018, his university colleagues in Canada and abroad paid homage to his brilliant career with a collective work Vastes mondes, published in his honour by Éditions Yvon Blais.
A leading expert and author in administrative law, an astute and caring educator, a meticulous and innovative researcher, a man both measured and passionate, Denis Lemieux was an exceptional professor. His renown helped put Université Laval's Faculty of Law on the map.

Serge Leroueil
Professor Emeritus
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Recognized as a leading specialist in geotechnics, Professor Serge Leroueil was invited in 1999 to present the Rankine Lecture to the British Geotechnical Association, the most prestigious honour in this field. He owes his international reputation to his research on the nature and behaviour of soft clays and structured, unsaturated, and compacted soils. Through his work, he has contributed to knowledge on embankments on soft clay as well as landslides.
After earning a civil engineering degree at the National Institute of Applied Science in Lyon, Serge Leroueil did his doctorate at Université Laval in 1977. He started working as a professor in UL's Department of Civil Engineering in 1980 and remained there until his retirement in 2016. After being named a full professor in 1988, Serge Leroueil created three graduate courses on advanced soil mechanics and scientific research. From 2010 to 2014, he served as assistant chair of the Department of Civil and Water Engineering and sat on a variety of department and faculty committees. Serge Leroueil supervised or co-supervised 70 master's and doctoral students, helping train specialists in the fields of geotechnics and landslide prevention.
International engineering expert
Serge Leroueil's research has been extremely well received both in Canada and abroad, earning him numerous awards and distinctions. In 1999 he was named a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and in 2001 received the Institute's K.Y. Yo Medal for his significant contribution at the international level. In 2013 he was awarded the Legget Medal by the Canadian Geotechnical Society. Professor Leroueil has given numerous lectures abroad, including the 4th Geotechnical Research Council Lecture in Singapore and the Suklje Memorial Lecture in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He was a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada from 2004 to 2016. In 2017, he received a Canadian Senate 150th anniversary medal. Serge Leroueil's distinctions and his many collaborative research and teaching activities have helped enhance Université Laval's international reputation.
Due to worldwide interest in his work, Professor Leroueil has produced some 300 technical articles and papers for academic journals and international conferences. His work has been supported by funding agencies, government departments, and Hydro-Québec, a testimony to the practical applications of his research. Professor Leroueil continues to supervise graduate students and is actively involved in three Université Laval research projects in cooperation with the Québec government and as a member of the International Landslide Committee. He is also finishing up two technical works: Understanding Landslides through Case Studies, with Professor Luciano Picarelli of the University of Naples and Advanced Soil Mechanics and Applications to Engineering Practice, with research professor David W. Hight of the Geotechnical Consulting Group in London.
Serge Leroueil has made a lasting contribution through his many achievements and distinctions while teaching and conducting research at the Department of Civil and Water Engineering in Université Laval's Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Louis Painchaud
Professor Emeritus
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Professor Louis Painchaud's work on the Coptic manuscripts of Nag Hammadi, the Gospel of Judas, and Jewish and Christian apocalypticism, and his critical editions of these texts are still considered as authoritative and are widely cited. He has been a member of the editorial board of the Nag Hammadi Library collection of Coptic texts since 1982 and served as its chair from 1999 to 2019, during which 23 volumes were published. He also sits on the editorial board of Brill's Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies series, which publishes research monographs in this field. A recognized expert in this area, Professor Painchaud obtained numerous research grants in the course of his career.
His achievements over the years have garnered him an outstanding international reputation. In addition to attending many scientific conferences in Canada and abroad, he has served as guest professor in France, Brasil, Norway, and Israel. He also chaired and sat on the boards of the International Association of Patristic Studies, the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies, the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion, and Société québécoise pour l'étude de la religion, as well as the steering committee of the Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism section of the Society of Biblical Literature in the United States.
An impressive career
Professor Painchaud played a key role in developing and organizing religious studies programs at Université Laval. In 1997, at the request of the dean of the Faculty of Arts, he chaired the evaluation committee for undergraduate programs in classical studies. This work led to the founding of Institut d'études anciennes et médiévales. A professor since 1999, he successively held the positions of academic coordinator, director of undergraduate programs, and director of graduate programs in religious studies at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. In his teaching duties, Professor Painchaud divided his time between lecturing and supervising graduate students.
Since his appointment as a full professor in 2003, Dr. Painchaud has pursued a high-level research career, obtaining extensive external funding and publishing widely in international journals, earning recognition from the leading specialists in his field. He has published 27 peer-reviewed articles and 13 monographs. He has also contributed thirty seven texts to collective works and conference proceedings and authored over a hundred book reviews. Since 2006, he has presented some 40 conference lectures and papers and over twenty interviews and outreach presentations. Professor Painchaud has ramped up his research work since he retired from teaching in 2016. He is an active and assiduous participant in the weekly seminar sessions on Coptic Gnostic texts and is currently preparing two works for the Nag Hammadi Library collection published by Les Presses de l'Université Laval, one on the Gospel according to Philip and the other on the Gospel according to Judas.
Louis Painchaud has enjoyed a remarkable research and teaching career, earning extensive international recognition and contributing significantly to Université Laval's reputation.

Diane Parent
Professor Emerita
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Professor Diane Parent’s accomplishments are widely recognized by Québec’s agriculture and agrifood community. Her work mainly focused on farm transfers, the establishment of young farmers, women farmers, and the social acceptability of agriculture. She is considered as a visionary and pioneer in the social sustainability of agriculture and, more broadly, in interdisciplinary analysis, which she used to study agricultural sciences from a social science perspective.
She is also recognized for the quality and scope of her teaching. In addition to her research activities, she made an exceptional contribution training agrologists in areas as varied as science communication, professional ethics, and research methodology, as well as interdisciplinary analysis of agriculture, food, and society. Always on the lookout for the most effective teaching methods, Professor Parent continually honed her courses, using a variety of educational approaches. Both undergraduate and graduate students appreciated the quality of her teaching and her unflagging commitment as an educator.
A pioneer in the sociology of agriculture
A professor ahead of her time, Diane Parent launched the first university course on professional ethics and conduct in agrology in 1996, introducing future agrologists to ethical concepts and issues in the field, and to the ethical framework governing their professional practice well before it became mandatory to include these topics in university training. Today’s professional practice requires agrologists to use their ethical judgement, highlighting Diane Parent’s visionary role. Professor Parent also launched the first interdisciplinary research program in sustainable agriculture, taking pains to incorporate the concept of social sustainability, previously absent from research in this field. She was one of the first to understand the importance of certain contemporary issues in professional practice and made a point of making knowledge on these issues available to the entire agricultural community. These issues include agricultural training, farm transfer and renewal, the establishment of young farmers, their social life and social isolation, the social acceptability of agriculture, the transfer and adoption of sustainable agricultural knowledge and practices, regional development, and the reality of women farmers. Her research and commitment were recognized in 2006 by Fédération des agricultrices du Québec.
As a founding member of TRAGET Laval, a research group specializing in agricultural management, farm transfers, and the establishment of young farmers, she helped develop MAPAQ’s first policy on the next generation of agricultural producers. Through her involvement in a wide range of organizations, Professor Parent has made a significant contribution to the acquisition of knowldge and its application in the field.
Since becoming a tenured professor in 2004, Professor Parent has conducted outreach activities, both inside and outside the university and has distinguished herself as a commentator and communicator in the agricultural community and the media. A tireless researcher, she is still asked to discuss or comment on current events and their impacts on social sustainability—i.e., the long-term survival—of the agricultural community. She never fails to highlight the role played by Université Laval in her presentations and communications.

Michel Vézina
Professor Emeritus
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Professor Michel Vézina is known as a leader and visionary in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at Université Laval. As such, he founded research groups and paved the way for the exploration of public health issues from various angles, particularly in occupational health and safety.
As soon as he arrived at the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Vézina started doing research on the impact of psychosocial risks on workers' health and how to prevent them from affecting mental health and musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Throughout his career, he actively contributed to the acquisition and organization of new knowledge in this area.
Over the years, Professor Vézina held a number of high level positions in Québec's public health system. He served as head of the Department of Community Health at Centre hospitalier de l'Université Laval (CHUL) and director of public health for the Capitale-Nationale region, and chaired the executive committee of the Santé Québec health survey. Due to his reputation as a public health expert and specialist in the psychosocial risks associated with work, he was asked to head up the Québec survey on working conditions, employment, and occupational health and safety, conducted jointly with a number of organizations. In addition to creating research groups on the organization of work, Michel Vézina has collaborated on research in the field of population health and optimal healthcare practices for many years at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Centre.
International leadership
Professor Vézina is known and respected well beyond Québec's borders. He has published 101 articles and contributed to over 150 conference papers, including sixty as first author or presenter. Dr. Vézina negotiated partnership agreements between Université Laval and other teaching institutions, including Badji Mokhtar – ANNABA University in Algeria. He was also responsible for the framework agreement in law and occupational medecine signed between Université Laval and Lille 2 University of Health and Law. He received the City of Lille medal of honour in 2000 for his outstanding contribution. As an occupational health and safety expert, Professor Vézina was invited to sit on the committee tasked with developing and reviewing the Québec Healthy Enterprise standard and the Canadian standard on occupational mental health.
During his tenure as regional public health director, he continued fulfilling his substantial teaching and research duties until his retirement in 2016. In his years at Laval, he taught and supervised an entire generation of public health physicians. He also provided ongoing encouragement to numerous doctors specializing in community health. His legacy is still clearly felt at the Department of Social and Preventative Medicine. After 33 years at Université Laval, Professor Vézina continues his efforts to secure greater recognition of work-related morbidity and the factors that must be addressed to improve occupational health. He now works as a specialist in preventive medicine at Institut national de santé publique du Québec in close cooperation with the team at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Centre.
Emeritus statuses for years prior to 2017 are currently available in French only.