Society and community engagement will underpin all experiences at Université Laval.The members of our community will be called on to help meet the important challenges facing society, whether in the neighbourhood next door or a developing country. They will do so through innovation, courage, and sincere and compassionate commitment, and by actively participating in the development and promotion of sustainable health. These ambassadors of Université Laval will be called on to contribute to society more than ever.

Be engaged for the well-being of society
We will initiate interdisciplinary research and training projects that take an innovative approach to tackling important societal challenges and train leaders capable of implementing the changes needed at the global level. Members of the university community will help lead the conversation. Université Laval will leverage the full potential of its research facilities, including Institut nordique du Québec, increasing the number of public lectures, meetings, and learning opportunities it offers in order to ensure its scientific insights meet the needs of the public.
- Involve the community and partners in launching three to five calls for Initiatives for the Future projects
- For each of the Initiatives for the Future, develop integrated interdisciplinary research and training programs designed to train leaders in resolving complex societal problems
- Develop a public lecture series presented live and by webcast on research and important society issues
- Mobilize the world's top talent in northern and Arctic research to meet the pressing scientific challenges facing northern societies
- Determine the governance and membership of Institut nordique du Québec
- Build the new Institut nordique du Québec science space
Transform the campus into a living laboratory and showcase for innovation
We will promote the dissemination of innovation in all its forms. The University will act as a hub for innovation connecting the academic and research community with the broader community. This will allow it to develop its research and educational facilities while showcasing the many concrete benefits they offer.
- Update the research and innovation development model
- Create new innovation funds
- In conjunction with partners, develop joint research and training labs emphasizing mediation and co-construction
- Revive the research infrastructure management committee
- Draw up an integrated development plan to encourage complementary, pooled research infrastructure
- Establish physical and virtual spaces to create and host living and learning labs
- Support open access and the widespread dissemination of knowledge, initiatives, and innovations developed on campus
- Support basic research in all fields VRRCI
- Develop and launch the “Découvrez votre campus!” project to foster awareness of major research projects and infrastructure

Maintain strong and sustainable partnerships
The complexity of the collective challenges we face requires partnerships and alliances. Université Laval will propose new partnership models in response to community needs.
- Design new partnered research projects
- Facilitate and acceleration partnership development
- Consolidate the University's role as an engaged premium partner
- Promote the benefits of partner initiatives
- Further develop teaching and research partnerships to consolidate UL's leadership in other regions of Québec
- Develop and pool our innovations
- Promote the leadership of the Greater Québec City area with regional and provincial actors
- Implement a reconciliation action plan by encouraging partnerships with Indigenous communities
- Draw on campus resources involved in training and research related to First Nations needs and realities
- Enhance teaching and research in collaboration with Indigenous communities
Promote sustainable health and development
Having emerged as a world leader for its achievements in sustainable development, Université Laval will extend its expertise to the sustainable health of populations. Through multidisciplinary projects supported by Alliance santé Québec, the University will work with regional actors to make healthy lifestyles and sustainable heath key priorities.
- Lead an interdisciplinary faculty table on sustainable health applications and integration
- Promote the Mon Équilibre UL healthy living program and its development
- Get regional, provincial, national, and international stakeholders on board to promote the development of sustainable health
- Boost regional research and innovation performance by fostering new synergies, including with Alliance santé Québec, in order to maximize benefits for the broader community
- Establish and promote the PULSAR collaborative platform for sustainable health research and intervention
- Support and grow our sustainable development program as a living laboratory for society as a whole
- Provide leadership in helping develop a sustainable mobility plan for Québec
- Help implement a universal transit pass and cultural passport for students

Support responsible entrepreneurship
The entrepreneurs in our community innovate and participate fully in the development of society. The University will support an engaged citizenry that engenders business ideas contributing to sustainable development, flourishing societies, and better ways of live together.
- Affirm our leadership and bring together stakeholders in entrepreneurship and sustainable development
- Open and develop programming for an Entrepreneurial Space
- Increase the number of internships available in business and in cultural and social economy organizations
Promote mutual aid, solidarity, and humanitarian and community action
The University will step up the transfer of knowledge to disadvantaged communities in a spirit of solidarity. By promoting open knowledge, we will support both humanitarian aid in developing countries and community action here at home.
- Develop a UL Without Borders program for humanitarian projects
- Support research and training initiatives related to humanitarian development
- Develop internship and training opportunities with community organizations

Become a laboratory for philanthropic innovation
Establish a laboratory of social and philanthropic innovation to showcase promising initiatives that benefit society as a whole. From internships to scholarships, the University will encourage all forms of giving and bear witness to the tangible benefits that philanthropy has. With Fondation de l'Université Laval, we will also promote social and philanthropic engagement on the part of UL alumni.
- Combine social and philanthropic innovation by inviting members of the university community, donors, and partners to work together on transformative joint initiatives
- Associate social and philanthropic engagement with training and research programs
- Communicate the tangible benefits of philanthropy in carrying out UL's educational mission
- Establish and maintain lasting relations with alumni and involve them in the development and growth of their alma mater
- Establish innovative new scholarships supported by donors and financial partners
- Encourage donors and partners to work together on transformative joint initiatives