As an efficient, modern, and transparent institution, Université Laval strives for excellence in all facets of its mission, management, and administration. By hinging our actions on collaborative networks and practices, we will pool our most effective tools to maximize administrative efficiency. Such efforts to optimize Université Laval will allow us focus on bolstering our fundamental mission of teaching, research, and knowledge transfer. Driven by our quest for excellence, this collaborative shift will contribute to the transformation of the academic and research experience and generate more opportunities for members of the university community to engage with society.

Work in networks, not silos
Units will improve communication and synergy by sharing tools, best practices, and services. In addition to promoting efficiency through administrative cost control, this across-the-board collaborative approach will lead to bold interdisciplinary initiatives.
- Create a team specialized in analysis and process improvement to identify significant improvements that could reduce administrative costs
- Establish communities of practice where members of the university community can share best practices and continuously improve efficiency
- Explore pooling opportunities with teaching institutions and partners with a view to reducing infrastructure development and maintenance costs and generating revenue
- Foster interdisciplinary collaboration in teaching and research
- Establish a structure for monitoring societal changes that could create opportunities for UL
- Set up a centre of expertise on education in the future made up of faculty, education consultants, and partners
Attract top talent
The dynamism and reputation of our research teams will allow them to attract leading international researchers to our institution. The University will develop workforce management plans and recruitment strategies to help raise our international profile and draw the best students. We will also fully leverage the attractiveness of our Rouge et Or varsity athletics program.
- Draw up a workforce management plan from which succession plans for faculty, managers, and other staff will flow
- Develop an external recruitment and internal promotion strategy
- Roll out an innovative communication plan to enhance UL's reputation
- Boost the number of top-calibre faculty and researchers, especially from abroad
- Implement an orientation program for all new employees

Leverage the full potential of university employees
Foster personal development and encourage employees to explore new facets of their professional life. Provide staff members with a unique and stimulating environment where they can advance their careers with a view to improving performance and efficiency.
- Promote and encourage professional development
- Define academic and administrative skills development needs
- Define the skills development needs of professional and support staff
- Establish communities of practice and related expertise
- Encourage teaching and research staff to take advantage of professional development opportunities on educational innovation, experiential learning, and research partnerships
- Support teaching and research staff in career development
- Offer training and coaching programs to academic and administrative management staff
- Develop agility by promoting acquisition of process improvement skills
- Help professional and support staff develop and advance their careers
Promote the achievements of university community members
With over 5, people active on campus and some 3, alumni the world over, the University will acknowledge the successes, achievements, and creations of UL students, faculty, and researchers.
From entrepreneurship to research and teaching, Université Laval will shine the spotlight on the members of our community.
- Nurture leadership, engagement, and achievement on the part of employees
- Nurture leadership, engagement, and achievement on the part of students
- Boost the reach and circulation of ULaval nouvelles in the broader community and internationally

Promote sound governance and management practices
In a spirit of sharing and openness, establish communication mechanisms and tools to ensure that Université Laval is recognized for its accessible, simple, and modern approach to accountability.
- Improve the operating procedures of the University Council to facilitate decision-making
- Provide better support to Board of Director committees, in part through increased support from management
- Revise the statutes and optimize governance processes
- Review and streamline the management of our financial resources and our budget allocation procedures
- Review and streamline our administrative processes
- Review and streamline internal invoicing processes
- Review and streamline our crisis management processes and emergency measures
- Develop an integrated human resources management plan
- Optimize the flexibility of the human resources management process
- Increase use of an institutional and sectoral dashboard
- Report on the implementation of the strategic plan