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New challenges are taking shape that call for flexibility, both in higher education and in a world undergoing profound change. These challenges are numerous and complex. We have the creativity and expertise to deal with them. We are firmly committed to facing them head on.

Étudiantes et étudiants sur le campus

Fast-tracking the evolution of higher education

Diversification of the student body creates even greater inclusion challenges. New training needs are emerging for people of all ages as demographic and technological change continues to reshape society,

The digital age forces us to redefine how we work, study, teach, and do research. This hybrid world provides development opportunities even as the decentralization of education increases competition.

Internationalization has become essential. Comparisons between universities no longer hinge on borders. Students and research teams have never been more mobile. 

A changing world 

Climate uncertainty is the greatest challenge of our time. ULaval must contribute to solutions and inform debates touching on everything from agriculture, oceans, forests, and ecosystems to energy and natural resources, the future of the North, urban development, and sustainable health among populations.

The rise of populism, disinformation, war, migration patterns, the right to education, cultural and religious identities—these issues deserve scientific scrutiny more than ever.

A world free of socioeconomic uncertainty remains an ideal. Inequality, demographics, and rapidly aging societies pose major challenges for businesses and social systems. 

Actions that mobilize our community

Transforming who we are, developing our skills, and rethinking our organization

This strategy helps us collectively imagine, define, create, and sustain the university of tomorrow.

Étudiants devant un ordinateur

Innovating for social well-being by working on inclusive, connected, and sustainable projects

Research and innovation at Université Laval combines interdisciplinary relationships, partnerships, scientific entrepreneurship, responsible conduct, and a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion. 


Co-constructing solutions and maintaining long-term partnerships

Université Laval is committed to welcoming First Peoples, to developing shared initiatives and projects in collaboration with them.

Une femme et un homme discutant

Strengthening our culture of getting along together, without prejudice or discrimination

Everyone is entitled to respect and equal opportunity for success. People must have the freedom to communicate, collaborate, find fulfillment, and thrive. 

communauté étudiante

Rallying our community to achieve our collective climate action ambition

This strategy provides leverage to go further. It puts forward a governance model, concrete goals, and ambitious targets. 

Pavillon Gene-H Kruger

Pooling our distinctive strengths and boosting our appeal to have a global impact

Université Laval is a world leader—we shine both among francophone countries and around the world. Carrefour international Brian-Mulroney is a key component of our internationalization strategy. 

Sophie D'Amour et d'autres participants

Unleashing the full potential of the Human Resources and Finance teams

Our goal is to revise the management model by reducing repetitive operational tasks (through best practices and technological advances) to create a service offering based on value-added expertise. 

Employées et employés à l'Université Laval

Building Université Laval 2040: defining the campus of tomorrow

This master plan will transform indoor and outdoor spaces to provide a rich experience for everyone who studies, works, resides, stays or spends time on campus.

Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins

Building a sense of belonging, pride, and commitment

With the Foundation being part of the university, philanthropy will play an even greater role in the successful completion of promising projects. This synergy will give donors and graduates who get involved an even better grasp of the impact of their actions.

Deux étudiantes sur le campus en hiver

Respecting the foundations of university life

Université Laval reaffirms its commitment to protect and promote the right to academic freedom and to ensure that community members can exercise such freedom without doctrinal, ideological, or moral constraints. 

Campus de l'Université Laval en été

Supporting the diverse needs of students

Université Laval is committed to helping its students thrive. We must take action to better prevent the onset of symptoms of psychological distress. 

Espace mon équilibre UL

Opening doors to higher education and encouraging people to stay in school

Boosting college and university graduation rates will make Québec a more creative, innovative, fair, and prosperous society. 

Salle de cours

Strengthening a culture of respect defined by inclusion, equality, fairness, and security

Université Laval is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment where everyone has the right to respect, dignity, and protection of their physical and psychological integrity. 

étudiants et étudiantes

Adapting to the new realities of the world of work

Université Laval pursues transformation by taking the new realities and opportunities of a changing work world into account.

femme en télétravail